Every moment is a new horizon.

Every moment is a new horizon.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

                                       Life is not what you necessarily  want it to be. What you want, what we all want may not be in our futures. This does not mean you should not try. The feelings of lonliness and solitude many experience is part of A.) What they chose and B.) Chance. Nothing is meant to be except what is right now.
Be who you want to be. If you want to be a strong alpha male, go do that. If you wish to be the damsel in distress, this is fine too. But if you feel like you just want to change and have no drive... perhaps you never wanted to be that way ever.
The man knew his stuff.


  1. Nothing gets between me and my banana.

  2. I need my banana too :(

    BTW, following. That story is awesome just to think about.
