Every moment is a new horizon.

Every moment is a new horizon.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Series of images.

No comment necessary.
 If you did not have that sense of danger would life be worth living? In modern society we get worked up over things we can't see. Non life threatening things, such as tests, meeting other people, and worrying in general. People drink, people smoke not because "it's super fun LAWLAWL" It's becausethey are nervous of their situation; anxiety running rampant.These things are not inherent bad, it's that they are a form of running. That becomes habit. All habits are disgusting.

The founding fathers had a good idea, a beautiful dream. Our fathers burned, raped, and crushed it.

I implore. Why are you not who you want to be?


  1. Fight Club has gotten me through some of the roughest times in my life.

  2. The best legal disclaimer I ever saw was at the start of a Spongebob DVD. "The views expressed in this DVD do not reflect the views of Viacom or its affiliates."
