Every moment is a new horizon.

Every moment is a new horizon.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

                      The entirety of sight found in the short paragraph is rather overwhelming
                                    In a world of uncertainties maybe one man found the
                               Answer that many of us never get to appreciate and realize.

      Tyler Durden, the mystery man of fight club,
        His views on society, how we have grown weak is rather true.
        Obesity is a disease of self pity, self pity is rampant these days,
            The amount of men bred these days in upper class suburbia will rule the world
              But how many have a spine? Who will go out of their way to conquer themselves
             Then the world? Nill. The societal norm has progressed from "equal rights"
               To offense at the drop of a hat, a few people getting mad or scared
               Going straight to the cops, suing for a few meals in cash. Propagating this
                  sad little society. Fuck yeah Tyler, we need to build a new society on the ashes of this one.

                  Self explanatory.


  1. I love taggers, anonymous bits of wisdom for everyday living.

  2. I really like that first image that you posted. But, inasmuch as worrying about life and its purpose is a dead end, I think that having a sense of wonder about existence is healthy. I like the other images too, especially the last two.

  3. It's only a mere thought, one of millions a day. You could waste your whole life in thought about life.
